,,Growing Up Toxic: Chemical Exposures and Increases in Developmental Disease

Growing Up Toxic: Chemical Exposures and Increases in Developmental Disease


Publication Date: June 2004

Publisher: Environment California Research and Policy Center

Author(s): Teri Olle; Yana Kucher; Travis Madsen

Research Area: Environment

Keywords: phthalates; bisphenol; toxics

Type: Report

Coverage: California


Problems like premature birth; male genital defects; learning, attention, and emotional disturbances; early puberty; obesity; and low sperm quality have been increasing in California and the nation as a whole over the past several decades. While a range of factors, from lifestyle to heredity, may contribute to these trends, a growing body of research suggests that toxic chemicals play a significant role. Growing Up Toxic reviews scientific evidence (as of 2004) linking chemical exposures to developmental disease, documents that reducing exposure can prevent harm and recommends a series of policy reforms to protect children from toxic exposures.