,,Sprawl in Maryland: A Conversation with the Experts

Sprawl in Maryland: A Conversation with the Experts


Publication Date: July 2004

Publisher: MaryPIRG

Author(s): Elizabeth Ridlington; Brad Heavner; Dave Algoso

Research Area: Environment

Keywords: development; sprawl; growth management

Type: Report

Coverage: Maryland


A growing number of Maryland's citizens have come to recognize the true costs of the poorly planned, widely-dispersed development that is characteristic of sprawl--sprawl that has required the expenditure of billions of taxpayer dollars for new infrastructure, while degrading air quality, increasing traffic congestion, consuming farmland, and contributing to a declining quality of life for the state's residents. The MaryPIRG engaged ten individuals with a long-standing interest in and knowledge of land-use issues in a broad discussion of public policy concerns related to sprawl.