,,Energizing Michigan's Economy: Creating Jobs and Reducing Pollution with Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Power

Energizing Michigan's Economy: Creating Jobs and Reducing Pollution with Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Power


Publication Date: February 2007

Publisher: Environment Michigan Research and Policy Center

Author(s): Mike Shriberg; Timothy Telleen-Lawton; Travis Madsen

Research Area: Energy

Keywords: job creation; renewable energy; energy efficiency

Type: Report

Coverage: Michigan


Michigan is facing serious choices about the future of its electricity system. With a growing demand for electricity, the state is considering building new coal-fired or nuclear power plants to meet its electricity needs. However, Energizing Michigan's Economy shows that a serious program to improve the efficiency of electricity use and tap into the state's home-grown renewable energy resources would have stronger benefits for the state economy. Such a New Energy Future would create jobs, save consumers money, stabilize energy prices, make Michigan more energy independent, reduce long-term economic and environmental risk from global warming pollution and ensure that more of Michigan's energy dollars stay in the local economy, as opposed to paying for coal, gas and uranium from out of state.