Improving Quality of Care White Papers


Publication Date: July 2002

Publisher: California HealthCare Foundation

Author(s): Powers and Associates

Research Area: Health

Type: Brief

Coverage: California


This series of white papers on selected conditions focuses on improving quality of care within California and includes recommendations for opportunities to improve. The five areas explored are pediatric asthma; breast cancer; diabetes; heart failure; and end-of-life care. These conditions were selected for study primarily based upon the high prevalence and cost of the conditions within California, the diversity of populations affected by the conditions, and the likelihood of existing efforts that could be expanded to improve quality of care. Although each paper stands alone, together the five form an integrated body of work. A common outline developed for each white paper includes: an executive summary; introduction; the epidemiology of the disease/condition; costs; the state of knowledge on preventing, diagnosing, treating, and monitoring the disease; the gap between knowledge and treatment; efforts to close this gap; and opportunities and recommendations for potential investments by the Foundation and others. A clinical expert reviewed a draft of each paper.