,,,Shifting Gears: 20 Tools for Reducing Global Warming Pollution from New England's Transportation System

Shifting Gears: 20 Tools for Reducing Global Warming Pollution from New England's Transportation System


Publication Date: April 2006

Publisher: Environment Maine Research and Policy Center; Natural Resources Council of Maine

Author(s): Tony Dutzik; Elizabeth Ridlington; Dave Algoso; Michael Goggin

Research Area: Environment; Transportation

Keywords: transportation; transit; climate change

Type: Report


Transportation is the leading source of carbon dioxide emissions in New England. To meet the region's targets for reducing its contribution to global warming, policy-makers must find ways to reduce emissions from the transportation sector. Shifting Gears provides 20 policy ideas the region's leaders can use to reduce transportation-sector emissions, along with case studies describing how communities and states in New England and elsewhere are using those ideas to curb global warming pollution and expand transportation choices.