,,An Unfamiliar State: Local Impacts of Global Warming in New Jersey

An Unfamiliar State: Local Impacts of Global Warming in New Jersey


Publication Date: May 2007

Publisher: Environment New Jersey Research and Policy Center

Author(s): Suzanne Liou; Travis Madsen; Timothy Telleen-Lawton

Research Area: Environment

Keywords: sea level rise; global warming impacts

Type: Report

Coverage: New Jersey


Global warming poses a serious threat to the future of New Jersey's environment, economy, and the health and welfare of its citizens. As explored in An Unfamiliar State, Global warming threatens to alter the coastline, increase extremes of rainfall and drought, raise smog levels in parts of the state, and shift the plant and animal species that call New Jersey home. However, if we act now, there is still time to prevent many of the worst impacts of global warming. New Jersey must do its share to reduce global warming pollution and set an example for other states and the nation to follow.