,,Making Sense of America's Oil Needs: A Sustainable, State-Based Response to Dwindling Oil Supplies

Making Sense of America's Oil Needs: A Sustainable, State-Based Response to Dwindling Oil Supplies


Publication Date: August 2005


Author(s): Tony Dutzik; Elizabeth Ridlington; Rob Sargent

Research Area: Energy

Keywords: energy cost; oil dependence; transportation

Type: Report


Rising oil prices are pinching the American economy. And, if many oil industry analysts are correct, prices won't be coming back down any time soon. Indeed, it appears that the era of "cheap oil" may well be over. Making Sense of America's Oil Needs examines the long-term oil supply challenges facing the United States and the world and makes the case for short-term, medium-term and long-term strategies to reduce dependence on oil through improved energy efficiency and greater use of renewable energy sources.