Insuring Dependent Children: A Report On Small Business Employer and Employee


Publication Date: November 1999

Publisher: California Small Business Education Foundation

Author(s): Resource Group Inc.

Research Area: Health

Type: Report

Coverage: California


The California Small Business Education Foundation (CSBEF) on behalf of the California Small Business
Association (CSBA) and the California Small Business Roundtable (CSBR) commissioned The Resource
Group courtesy of a grant by the Wellness Foundation to conduct this study to better understand the issue
of health insurance coverage for dependent children of small business employees. This project was
designed to better understand the reasons small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) do not or
cannot offer health insurance coverage for employees and their dependent children and to find out why
some parents are not insuring their dependent children whether or not coverage is offered by their
employers. Data collected will assist the project team to 1) determine the need for educating small
business in regard to health insurance coverage options, 2) be more informed of the nature of solutions to
be employed to increase health insurance coverage for dependent children, and 3) decide how a program
like Healthy Families could be best utilized to address the problem of uninsured dependent children of
small business employees.