,,,Reality Check: Promoting Self-Sufficiency in the Public Workforce System, A Promising Practices Guide for Workforce Boards

Reality Check: Promoting Self-Sufficiency in the Public Workforce System, A Promising Practices Guide for Workforce Boards


Publication Date: May 2008


Author(s): Deborah Cutler-Ortiz; Joan Kuriansky; Susan Messina; Maureen Golga

Research Area: Economics; Labor

Type: Report


Reality Check is a resource for the members and staff of local and state Workforce Investment Boards (WIB's) and others responsible for addressing the workforce development needs of their communities, WIB's are policy boards with legislated responsibilities under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). WIB's are charged with creating and maintaining a workforce system that responds to the needs of job seekers and employers and that strengthens the local economy.

Workforce boards face many challenges' limited resources, changing economies, complex political environments, and balancing the wants of industry and the needs of their communities. At the same time, as the convener of key stakeholders in their communities, workforce boards often play a significant role in building the economic well-being of a community through developing and implementing innovative practices.

Reality Check provides examples of practices that have defined and implemented the concept of self-sufficiency to further the goal of creating an economically sound and thriving community through a well-functioning workforce system. The leaders of the WIB's highlighted have revealed themselves as visionaries and the practices and online tools can help others establish similar
policies and programs.