Workplace Charter Schools: Florida Blazes the Trail


Publication Date: May 2001

Publisher: Reason Foundation

Author(s): Lisa Snell

Research Area: Education

Type: Brief

Coverage: Florida


Florida, first the pioneer in satellite schools in the workplace, and now the pioneer in charter schools in the
workplace, sets an example for other states to follow. Florida's workplace charter schools have not only
served families well by increasing parental participation and satisfaction, and leading to high student
achievement--but have also well served the companies that host the schools by enabling them to offer a
unique benefit that increases employee satisfaction and decreases turnover. Providing businesses with
incentives through tax exemptions and allowing them to target enrollments helps enable the concept of the
workplace charter school to move forward. Given the success of Ryder Elementary Charter School and the
establishment of two new Florida workplace charter schools, other states should consider following Florida's
lead by developing similar legislation.