2004 Overview of the Uninsured: Statewide


Publication Date: October 2005

Publisher: Insure the Uninsured Project


Research Area: Health

Type: Other

Coverage: California


This overview provides information on California's changing demographics, usage and funding of free and community clinics and hospitals, and health plan costs and options. It was developed to help advocates, policymakers, researchers, and others note demographic movements in the state's population, identify both patient utilization and funding trends in its safety net services, and recognize cost changes in its employer-based and private insurance markets.

This Statewide Overview provides a comparison of six regions: Bay Area, Central Coast, Central Valley, North Central, North Rural, and Southern California (a list of counties analyzed in each of these regions is available in the Appendix). For a county and regional perspective, please see ITUP's website at www.itup.org.

This report provides five snapshots of California: a General Perspective, providing an update on California's economic and demographic changes from 2003; a Focus on Community Clinics, examining the utilization and funding mechanisms of California's free and community clinics; a Focus on Hospitals, offering a similar analysis on the usage and financing of California's hospitals; a Focus on County Health Funding, analyzing the economic state of the county health system; and a Look at Employer and Private Insurance plans, presenting a sample of health insurance offerings and premiums for small employer and individual health plans. Select tables outlining data by county and/or comparing ITUP's 2003 regional report information with data offered in this report are available in the Appendix.