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Publication Date: November 2000
Publisher: National Institute on Money in State Politics (U.S.)
Author(s): Linda Casey
Research Area: Politics
Type: Report
Coverage: Missouri Indiana
National parties are pouring money into five of the 11 gubernatorial races taking place in the 2000 election cycle. The Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee are paying close attention to the gubernatorial contests in Indiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Vermont and Utah -- often more than doubling the amount of money a candidate receives. In at least two cases, Vermont and Utah, party money is nearly funding the incumbent governors entire campaigns, where candidates have received 89 percent and 73 percent of their total contributions, respectively, from their parties. In Vermont, Gov. Howard Deans $270,000 of Democratic Party money makes up for 89.2 percent of his war chest. And in Utah, Gov. Michael Leavitt has received 73.1 percent of his campaign money or $729,775 from the Republican Party.