1115 Waiver


Publication Date: June 2002

Publisher: Insure the Uninsured Project


Research Area: Health

Keywords: healthcare reform; universal healthcare; insurance for the poor

Type: Brief


ITUP Regional Workshop summary of the 1115 waiver Under the 1115 statute, the Secretary of Health and Human Services can allow states to experiment, pilot or demonstrate projects which are likely to assist in promoting the objectives of the Medicaid statute. 1115 Waivers are flexible, so states have room to develop Medicaid Plans that suit their state's health care goals. Many states now apply for 1115 Waivers in an attempt to provide health care to more of their poor and near-poor citizens. The terms "experimental" and "pilot" suggest 1115 can't be used to "permanently" waive or exempt States from statutory requirements deemed undesirable, but many state waivers have become semi-permanent.