,,Creating TANF and Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Partnerships. Assisting TANF Recipients Living with Disabilities to Obtain and Maintain Employment.

Creating TANF and Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Partnerships. Assisting TANF Recipients Living with Disabilities to Obtain and Maintain Employment.


Publication Date: February 2008

Publisher: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

Author(s): Jacqueline Kauff; LaDonna Pavetti; Emily Sama Martin

Research Area: Social conditions

Keywords: Disabilities; Employment; TANF

Type: Brief


Some TANF recipients may have disabilities that would qualify them for the specialized employment preparation services Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies provide. This brief explores the benefits and challenges of linking TANF and VR services, describes partnerships that have been formed in Vermont and Iowa, and discusses key features critical to developing a successful partnership.