Budget Resolution Enforcement


Publication Date: March 2001

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Government



The annual budget resolution sets forth Congress's budget plan for a period of at least five fiscal years. It includes total levels of spending, revenues, and the debt limit for each of the fiscal years covered. While the budget resolution does not become law, the Congressional Budget Act (CBA) of 1974 (titles I-IX of P.L. 93-344), as amended, provides for the enforcement of its provisions as they are implemented in subsequent annual appropriations bills, revenue measures, and other budgetary legislation. Under section 303(a) of the CBA, the House and Senate are prohibited from considering any budgetary legislation for the upcoming fiscal year before a budget resolution has been adopted. The House may, however, consider appropriations bills after May 15 if a budget resolution has not been adopted by that date. In addition, the House and Senate may waive this provision by a simple majority at any time.