,Health Information Technology: Are Long Term Care Providers Ready?

Health Information Technology: Are Long Term Care Providers Ready?


Publication Date: April 2007

Publisher: California HealthCare Foundation

Author(s): Sandra Hudak; Siobhan Sharkey

Research Area: Health

Type: Report


This report explores the readiness for health information technology (HIT) from the perspective of California's long-term care providers: nursing facilities, residential care facilities, and community-based service providers. Four questions are examined to better understand provider readiness or level of preparedness for HIT:

*Where do providers think HIT has the most promise to improve care delivery? *What is the state of HIT in long-term care? *How ready are providers to invest, implement, and effectively use HIT? *What should providers, policymakers, and community leaders consider as they develop plans to support HIT adoption and use in long-term care?

The findings show that the realities of the long-term care environment must be taken into account in planning and that they must be addressed during implementation if HIT adoption and use are to be a success. Several next steps are put forth to address identified barriers, make HIT a priority, and increase provider perception of HIT benefits over costs.