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Publication Date: March 2007
Publisher: California HealthCare Foundation
Author(s): Charlene Harrington; Janis O'Meara
Research Area: Health
Type: Brief
Coverage: California
With long term care issues under the increasing scrutiny of policymakers and consumers alike, knowing the relevant facts, figures, and trends is crucial to understanding and addressing the challenges facing this segment of the health care market. This report, an overview of long term care issues in California and the nation, examines a range of issues affecting the various players in long term care, including bed occupancy rates, facility ownership, payment sources, and expenditures. Offering another level of perspective, the report also compares California's statistics to other states and the nation. Among the findings are:
*The number of California residents age 85 and older--those who are most likely to need extended care at home or in nursing homes--is likely to more than double by the year 2030. *While the number of intermediate and nursing home beds declined from 1990 to 2002, the supply of residential beds has risen dramatically in both California (67%) and the nation (76%). This trend reflects a growing preference for home- and community-based care. *The vast majority of home health agencies in California (80%) are run by for-profit organizations, compared to 48% nationwide. *From 1999 to 2002, Medi-Cal's home health agency payment per participant increased 68% compared to a 3% increase nationally. *In 2004, California ranked 4th in the nation in expenditures per capita for Medicaid personal care services ($51.67), and significantly above the national average ($31.45).