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Publication Date: September 2007
Publisher: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.)
Author(s): Douglas Rice; Barbara Sard; Martha Coven
Research Area: Social conditions
Keywords: Economic projections; Economic inequality; Community economic development; Housing assistance
Type: Report
Congress will have two key issues to resolve in the Section 8 voucher portion of the HUD appropriations bill: how much money to provide to renew existing vouchers and how to distribute those funds among the 2,400 state and local housing agencies that administer the program.  These decisions will be made against the backdrop of a potential presidential veto. The President insists that Congress not exceed the overall level of discretionary funding he proposed in his budget earlier this year — a level that would entail significant cuts in many domestic programs — and the White House has threatened to veto both the House and Senate Transportation-HUD bills if they exceed these spending limits.