A Community at Risk: A Snapshot of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use Taken by Hudson Institute and Drug-Free Marion County


Publication Date: January 2004

Publisher: Drug Free Marion County; Hudson Institute


Research Area: Social conditions

Type: Report

Coverage: Indiana


Whether you are a family member, in law enforcement, a healthcare provider, a social worker, a teacher, part of the faith community or friend, you likely have come in direct contact and witnessed the consequences of those who misuse alcohol, tobacco or other drugs. The often-debilitating impact of substance abuse impacts the entire community. Therefore, we as a caring community must work together to understand the problem and meet the challenge of successfully responding. One part of this response is this second edition of A Community At-Risk, Drug-Free Marion County’s SNAPSHOT of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use in Marion County.

This report is an integral resource in providing information on the level of substance abuse taking place in Marion County. The data illustrate how pervasive the misuse of addictive substances is within our community and underscore trends that can guide how community resources can best be utilized. Among the trends discovered through research compiled by the Indianapolis-based Hudson Institute:

• Marijuana use by Marion County 8th and 12th graders remains higher than state and national figures.

• Methamphetamine labs investigated in Marion County increased from 2 in 2001 to 18 in 2002.

• Tobacco use by Marion County 8th graders exceeds state and national norms.

This and much more related information is contained in this report. Through the tracking and sharing of these valuable data, Drug-Free Marion County intends to continue constructing a platform, initiated with last year’s first edition of the SNAPSHOT, that will continue to challenge the community to look at root causes, available resources and how best to respond and look for ways to prevent the misuse of addictive substances.