Opportunity Costs and Opportunities Lost: Businesses Speak Out About Health Care Ten Case Studies of Company Health Programs


Publication Date: April 2007

Publisher: Center for American Progress

Author(s): Meena Seshamani

Research Area: Health

Type: Report


Businesses are the backbone of the U.S. health insurance system, providing health benefits to nearly 175 million Americans as part of workers’ total renumeration. Yet, ever-escalating health care costs are placing a huge strain on employment-based health insurance while leaving nearly 45 million other Americans without any health insurance whatsoever.

This paper examines 10 different kinds of businesses, including two large multinational corporations, two medium-sized companies, and six small businesses. These 10 businesses, based in different parts of the country, are engaged in manufacturing, technology development, retail sales and services, education, staffing, and the media. They include a local grocery store and a gift shop, a global technology manufacturer and a worldwide retail store operator.