,,Reapportionment Politics: The History of Redistricting in the 50 States

Reapportionment Politics: The History of Redistricting in the 50 States


Publication Date: January 1981

Publisher: Rose Institute of State and Local Government

Author(s): Leroy Clyde Hardy; Alan Heslop; Stuart Anderson

Research Area: Politics

Type: Report


The essays in this volume, produced through the cooperation of some 58 researchers from across the United states, are inteded to increase public awareness of how redistricting has been performed historically in each of the 50 states and how the redistrictings of the 1980s are likely to take shape. Most essays were written either in the fall of 1980 or very early in 1981. A careful reading of the 50 essays presented here will yield a wealth of information about redistricting in the separate states and about the impact of redistricting on American politics at many levels.