Latinos and Redisctricting: "Californios for Fair Representation" and Redistricting in the 1980's


Publication Date: January 1991

Publisher: Rose Institute of State and Local Government

Author(s): Douglas Johnson

Research Area: Politics

Type: Report

Coverage: California


In 1981, a coalition of Latino groups and activists banded together as "Californios for Fair Representation" (CFR) in order to push for additional representations for Latinos in accordance with their increased population. CFR rain straight into the brick wall of incumbency protection, failing to gain any new Latino representatives in the Assembly or State Senate, though they did succeed in electing Latinos in both of California's new Congressional districts. This study will analyze whether these results deserve to be called a 'success.'

In addition, a detailed look at CFR's efforts in Santa Clara County will be used as an example of the activities of the CFR local branches. This study will also look at what lessons can be learned from the CFR experience, both by Latinos and by all Californians.