,Long Island’s Educational System

Long Island’s Educational System


Publication Date: January 2007

Publisher: Rauch Foundation

Author(s): Mark Silver, Ph.D; William Mangino

Research Area: Education

Keywords: education; economics; racial inrqualities

Type: Report

Coverage: New York


The chasm between rich and poor on Long Island is vast. The social distance between racial and ethnic groups is wide. Most telling, of course, is that both of these divides are reflected in our patterns of residential location. Long Island is among the most racially segregated suburban regions in the nation. That pattern is complemented by a high degree of economic segregation. In many respects, the Long Island of the early 21st century reflects the trends of more than a century of social, residential and economic development that both responded to and perpetuated the pressures of embedded class and racial inequalities in our society at large.