Building a Foundation for Family Economic Success


Publication Date: November 2009

Publisher: The Working Poor Families Project

Author(s): John Quintero

Research Area: Economics; Social conditions

Keywords: low-income families; economics; innovation

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Since 2002, the 25 state-based nonprofit organizations participating in The Working Poor Families Project have helped generate or preserve over $2.5 billion in state investments in low-income working families. In the process, these organizations have brought the concerns of low-income working families into a variety of state policy debates.
These impressive accomplishments are detailed in the new report Building a Foundation for Family Economic Success. By describing the Project's distinctive process of policy change, the report shows how this innovative partnership positions state-based nonprofit organizations to champion investments in working families. Consequently, low-income working families in many states are better able to obtain financial aid, increase their education and skills, access good jobs, and make ends meet.