,Managing Elder Suicide: A Profile of American and Canadian Crisis Prevention Centers

Managing Elder Suicide: A Profile of American and Canadian Crisis Prevention Centers


Publication Date: January 1996

Publisher: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior

Author(s): M.E. Adamek; M.S. Kaplan

Research Area:

Keywords: suicide; older adults; firearms

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Suicides among older adults in the United States and Canada in the last decade have accounted for an increasing share of all suicides. In both countries the use of firearms among older adults has steadily increased. Despite these trends, little is known about the extent to which crisis centers are prepared to prevent elder suicide.
This survey examined the training, knowledge, and current practices relevant to elder suicide among personnel in 321 crisis prevention centers in both countries. Results revealed insufficient training, a lack of familiarity with recent suicide trends, and limited outreach to older adults.