,Central Texas College Access and Persistence Program Evaluation: Outcomes and Impacts Summary Report

Central Texas College Access and Persistence Program Evaluation: Outcomes and Impacts Summary Report


Publication Date: January 2013

Publisher: Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources

Author(s): Tara C. Smith; Greg Cumpton

Research Area: Education

Keywords: education; college access; workforce development

Type: Report

Coverage: Texas


The Ray Marshall Center (RMC) participated in the Central Texas College Access and Persistence Program Evaluation. The evaluation sought to increase regional capacity to provide critical and effective support to traditionally underrepresented college students to help ensure that they enter college and persist in their studies through completion. The project had two primary goals: 1) to increase Austin College Access Network (ACAN) member awareness of the nature and breadth of college access and persistence services offered in Central Texas and identify service gaps; and 2) to increase the capacity of ACAN member organizations for program evaluation and continuous improvement activities.